Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Page Counter

While playing on the net and visiting other bloggers I noticed a few of them had page counter (not Web 2.0'ers) and thought this was a great way of knowing how many people visit my blog. Adding a page counter is so easy to do.
If you look to the right, below my page counter there is a link "free link". Once you have hit the all you have to do choose the style you want, then add a few details of where you want the link. I opened and signed into my blog then selected customise/page layout/add a page element. This is where I added my title and copied and pasted jargon from "easy hit counters" and saved...and just like magic...it was all done for me.
Have a go and let me know what you think.


pls@slnsw said...

Good suggestion!

Though there is a horrible possibility that no-one will visit...


Bambino Velostra said...

Hello! I visited your blog again, and noticed the counter. I have now installed one in my blog, so thanks for the idea! I only wish I had done it when I started my blog. It's a shame they don't suggest it when you start (or maybe they do but I was so overloaded with info I didn't notice it!).

CatyJ said...

Thanks for the link to the free counter. Like you I saw them on other people's blogs - so now there's one on mine too!

Free counter for site said...

Yeah using page counter has many benefits..It can also determine the effectiveness of your webpages by determining which are the most visited on your website, and how long your visitors stayed there. It also determine how effective (or not) your sales, leads, and conversions, as well as your “calls to action”.Web page counter provide a wealth of useful information that give insights regarding website performance and help a website owner make improvements. I think  PHP page counters give you ample information on what order the visitors are accessing pages and what they prefer.
