Monday, May 19, 2008
Week 11 & 12: Online Applications & Social Networking
Social networking has changed the way we share information and communicate with one another.
A great marketing tool for libraries, customers can be updated on resources or services from the comfort of their own home or office at their leisure.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Loved my Journey....
Week 5 : Wiki's
I liked the book lovers wiki, what an interesting concept, this could be quite useful in our library with staff and clients adding to it. I have just contributed for the first time to my uni wiki that has been set up for a study visit. It is fantastic that we can all share our thoughts and photos online. I have been won over... I now love wiki's...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Week 10 : final mashup

I just loved "big huge labs", how creative and it's all online and programs. I like so much on this site and could see plenty of potential for using it with in the library, both online with the displayed through the web site i.e. mosaic's would be a great of displaying past activities/events of the library or used as a tool to help within our role, ie the name badges could be a nice presentation for clubs, i.e. children's summer club, children's reading club or book club.
So I had a good play and could have played a lot longer!!!. I made a calendar of my daughters ballet class, but had trouble finding one of my own photos that would fit into the calendar with out heads being chopped off and decided that a portrait photo was not a good idea as it cropped the photo to much and a landscape style photo worked best.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Week 9 : Podcasts
Mmmm I think the opportunities are endless in how a library can use podcasting
- children's story time
- author talks
- book club
- lectures
- library news
Introductions to:
- library services
- library tours
How to:
- use the catalogue
- use the databases
- techniques for using search engines
- tips on evaluating web sites
For staff:
- training
- meetings ( for staff who were unable to attend)
- newsletters
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Week 8 : Answer boards
However I was disappointed that the librarians didn't seem to bother to tag their responses...perhaps they found it to time consuming? however if they took the time it would be useful.
Week 7: Technorati
However I was not successful in leaving a comment on the nswpln2008 blog page. What was doing wrong?
Week 7:
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to put a link onto my blog for my delicious account.
Ok I think I finally have help.... on Creation's blog I found the following "The way to set up link to my bookmarking account in this post is as follows: go to, sign in your account, go to help and go to a guide to sharing bookmarks, got to Linkrolls , then copy the above HTML code from there and paste in your blog post(in Edit Html window)"
Here is my Link My
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Week 6: Videos
Here goes to see if I can embed a video into my blog. A month or so ago I was unable to do it and just left a link to a video I enjoyed.
I have finally done it....Yahoo...I'm happy with my results
it's been a while
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Page Counter
If you look to the right, below my page counter there is a link "free link". Once you have hit the all you have to do choose the style you want, then add a few details of where you want the link. I opened and signed into my blog then selected customise/page layout/add a page element. This is where I added my title and copied and pasted jargon from "easy hit counters" and saved...and just like was all done for me.
Have a go and let me know what you think.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Week 4 : RSS
I think it is good that you can keep up-to-date with your favourite sites and latest information or news. Although I'm not sure how much I would use it or if I would have the time, I may be more inclined to use my bookmarks, at least it is one lest thing that I need to log into and remember login or passwords to.
I have subscribed to RSS feeds that I'm interested in and will keep an eye on them in the next few days, helping to decide whether or on rss is for me or not. I tried both ways of subscribing to RSS, by clicking on the little orange icon or by copying and pasting the URL of the site I was interested in into my bloglines feed, both ways I found easy.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sort Of Dunno Nothin'
You just have to have a look at this….
If you have or had have teenage children you will appreciate this video from youtube... I have two teenage children and just loved is so true...exactly what they sound like! Kids!!!
I was listening to Richard Glover on ABS Sydney when I heard this...the video is on many sites and has been viewed by over 200,000 viewers. It has even been viewed on channel 7, on the morning show.
I’m sure teenagers think it’s silly, however many teachers and parents have phoned into the radio station to say… they love it or can relate to it…
I think it is pretty good… considering Peter Denahy the guy the wrote it and sings it solo…(even the teens part) is not even a parent his self.
Check it out! Sort of Dunno Nothin'
Week 3 :Sparkling in the sunlight...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Week 2 : Learning 2.0
This is a new learning curve for me. I have heard several of the terms, bebo, facebook etc, however I must admit that I haven't had much of an understanding of them, or what and how they work. I just thought it was something that the teenagers used!...but I’m learning!
I'm looking forward to learning and understanding what web 2.0 is all about and how I can use it. As well as having an understanding and knowing what the younger generation (my children included) is doing for inter reaction or social entertainment.
I hope that after completing the topics available over the next 12 weeks, I will gain confidence and be able to put what I have learned to use.
Now comes the hard part... posting intelligent, interesting information that others want to read and reply to.